ygk blogger

Vernon Artist Residency

Vernon Artist Residency

Vernon, BC is a darling city nestled in the Okanagan.  I was fortunate enough to return to one of my favourite spots for a month+ long artist residency with the Caetani Cultural Centre. A week in and I was amazed at what I could accomplish working in the studio full time. A lot can happen when you step away, and really focus on creating...

Craft Show Checklist

Craft Show Checklist

So you are a maker/artist/creative entrepreneur and you've just signed up for your very first creative market? Maybe it's not your first rodeo, but your second or third, or maybe you are seasoned pro. Regardless, our Market Day Musts List looks quite similar!  Today I'm sharing with you a helpful checklist for you to cross-off the next time you are prepping for an upcoming event. I always find creating a list keeps me focused, organized, and less frazzled leading up to any event.

Your Creative Book List

Your Creative Book List

I love reading! I especially love reading quality books and magazine's that dig deep, inspire creativity, hard work, and celebrate the spirit of true movers and shakers. It's refreshing and and good for the soul! I'm excited to share a few of my favourite books with you, we can call it a "Creative Book Club!"