Your Creative Book List

A Creative Book List to Feed Your Soul

I love reading! I especially love reading quality books and magazine's that dig deep, inspire creativity, hard work, and celebrate the spirit of true movers and shakers. It's refreshing and and good for the soul!  I'm excited to share a few of my favourite books with you, we can call it a "Creative Book Club!" 


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert | LOVE LOVE LOVE. This book is a must-have on every creative spirit’s book shelf! I think I’ve highlighted more than half the book, if not more. Each page resonates so deeply with my soul. Gilbert’s book is so incredibly pure, honest and heartfelt, she says it how it is.  No matter where you are on your creative journey, young or old, school or self taught, rich or poor, this book is packed with goodness from beginning to end. Read it, then re-read it, then read it again. I promise it’ll be one of the best books you’ve read in forever. Let Gilbert be your creative guru. This is a book you can return to, time and time again. 

For a better insight on Gilbert’s unique view on creativity and ideas, see this wonderful interview HERE and then pick yourself up a copy!

“And while the paths and outcomes of creative living will vary wildly from person to person, I can guarantee you this: A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner – continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you – is a fine art, in and of itself. Because creative living is where Big Magic will always abide” (Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic, p.12)


Very Good Lives by J.K.Rowling | This lovely little book is short and sweet! Rowling’s words to the class of…. are fantastic. For any person aspiring dreams, despite unfortunate or difficult circumstances, Rowling eloquently dicusses the  benefits of failure and the importance of Imagination. Again, you’ll want to pick this one up and read it from time to time.

“The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.” (J.K Rowling, Very Good Lives)


The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna | I am always drawn to books that urge the reader to write, scribble or draw all over it. This playful book is full of inspiration, and really encourages a journal like approach to reading. Elle asks the tough and honest questions and invites readers to start digging into their own creative journey. It’s simple and sweet, the perfect book to sit down with, day dream, goal plan and relax.

“We unconsciously imprison ourselves to avoid our most primal fears. We choose Should because choosing Must is terrifying, incomprehensible.” (Elle Luna, The Crossroads of Should and Must)


Makers Movement: Issue 1 by Samatha Shaw | I JUST got my mittens on this stunning book. If you are on Instagram have a look at @makersmovement, it’s a wonderful online creative community that I have loved being a part of since it started. As an artist, a few years out of art school, its been so incredible to find a community of like-minded, inspiring and driven makers. This first issue is jammed packed full of incredibly talented artists from around the globe. Many of who I’ve gotten to know. These ladies mean business! I love every page.

“This issue explore the relationship between human creativity and Mother Nature. These pages share real experiences and intimate memories spent outdoors…” (Sam Shaw, Makers Movement: Issue 1)


It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell | This touching memoir by Mitchell, follows her difficult childhood and long struggle with her weight, food and body image. Yet despite her circumstances and choices, Andie rose above and blossomed into an inspiring and wildly talented creative blogger and food guru! I loved reading Andie’s journey and seeing where she is now. See her great Ted Talk HERE.

“This book is about courage and changing your life, but it’s also about recognizing that all of our flaws and failures, all of the hindrances we perceive ourselves to have—these things shape us. They make us strong, brave, and wise. They give us empathy and compassion. I hope you read this book and begin to believe that big, lasting change is possible—whatever that change may be—and that you know you have a friend, somewhere in New Jersey, rooting for you.” Andie Mitchell WEBSITE. 


The 52 Lists Project by Moorea Seal | This book, is that book, that I wish I wrote myself. But I didn’t, and I am truly happy that it exists now! It’s beautiful, it’s everything I love about life and lists. Simply, its an open platform, a book full of lists that need filling – a year’s worth to be exact! I am admitting now, that I have always had an unending fetish with list making. I make lists everyday. Personal, business, work, shopping, ideas, everyday lists. One of my favourite art installations (back when I lived in Calgary and attended art school) was a precious book I created – complied  full of personal lists from over the years. List’s are often overlooked, and discarded. But I believe list’s really are visual gateways into who we are as people, how we work, think and organize our lives. I realize not everyone is obsessed with lists (Andy mentioned, just looking at my lists give him anxiety haha!), but this book is the perfect book for all of you nuts out there who love lists as much as me!


Have you read any of these great books? What have been the best creativity-inspired books you’ve read recently? I’d love to hear your recommendations! Comment below!

*Images by Danielle Folkerts – Do not use without permission.